Pierre Albrecht from Marbella Clinic – Sleeping, the forgotten science.

How a simple bed can change everything.

For the majority of people, sleep is a time of absence and rest, a world of darkness. We do not pay too much attention to the time spent sleeping. We often think of it as a period of our life that is placed “in inverted commas”, regardless of whether we like sleeping, whether we find it boring, or whether we suffer from insomnia.

However you look at it, it is a time when our ordinary daily consciousness is inactive. Our social persona is switched off, the mask is put away, and we let ourselves be transported to wherever our subconscious (or as other people would say, our spirit) fancies to take us.

It would therefore be an error to think that this time does not belong to our life… quite the contrary, it should be considered as forming part of it. We spend a third of our life asleep, a time in which we should be recharging our physical and mental energy and, even more importantly, allowing our body to cleanse itself and relax.

Ideal sleep is when our body does not have too much food to be digested in the intestine; when we do not have bad dreams that affect us and make us wake up feeling more tired than before we went to bed.

If, however, we let our organs rest, without making them work too hard during the night – without supplying too much energy to the brain in the form of sugars and calcium, originating from an excess of desserts and dairy products – we will discover a way of sleeping that is deeper and more revitalizing.

We should cast off part of our mental and emotional stress and go to bed with a feeling of curiosity and confidence, trying to undertake a new journey every night and thinking “I wonder where my subconscious (spirit) is going to take me tonight”

The quality of our sleep depends largely on ourselves, our diet and our lifestyle. This is quite easy to demonstrate just by looking at ourself in the mirror the next morning. We really should look more relaxed and younger than the night before. But if we look older, more wrinkled or with bags or shadows under the eyes, it means we have not taken full advantage of the night, and this is what happens in 98% of the cases

The effects of electromagnetic fields.

Well, there’s more to it… Since the 50’s, certain doctors and scientists have thought that electromagnetic fields have a great influence on our life and health, especially during sleep – which is when we are most vulnerable – and they have detected a considerable reduction in melatonin when we are exposed to electromagnetic fields.

We now know that melatonin has an important function in the prevention of cancer or neurodegenerative diseases associated with the aging of the cells.

The effects of electromagnetic fields. Well, there’s more to it… Since the 50’s, certain doctors and scientists have thought that electromagnetic fields have a great influence on our life and health, especially during sleep – which is when we are most vulnerable – and they have detected a considerable reduction in melatonin when we are exposed to electromagnetic fields.

On the basis of these scientific advances, a team of doctors had the idea of studying the sleep of a group of volunteers under normal conditions, and at the same time in conditions of minimum electromagnetic influence. They used special beds that make it possible to eliminate the electromagnetic contamination in a room.

Sleep, an anti-aging therapy.

It has been demonstrated that sleep is a marvelous anti-aging therapy and that the reduction of electromagnetic fields is a highly important factor. But what does this really involve? For many years now it is known that our body is a battery and that every cell has an electrical charge. This battery therefore reacts and is affected by its surroundings and has a certain electromagnetic charge. Out in the countryside, our electromagnetic field is in harmony with the surroundings, but in the city, with its contamination and an environment of metals and synthetic materials, our electromagnetic field does not have the opportunity to discharge its excess energy and that energy is what prevents us from enjoying a deep, relaxing sleep. Electrical equipment in the bedroom, floors or bed bases that contain metal, mattresses with springs or synthetic fibres, or sheets and blankets of synthetic materials prevent us from having contact with the earth, which is our natural place of discharge.

The importance of a good bed.

To carry out the clinical experiment, very special beds were used, designed to help our bodies to discharge the electromagnetic energy, using a particular form of natural materials and an earth connection, manufactured by the firm of BIOVITAL in Granada. Dr. D. Acuña Castro Viejo from the free radical laboratory in the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada, informed of his results in the last Spanish Congress of Anti-aging Medicine and Longevity (SEMAL).

His discoveries had an explosive effect. His report demonstrated that the electromagnetic conditions of sleep can be improved simply by the bed. Mr. Dario Acuña himself says that he had observed a spectacular reduction in all the parameters monitored throughout the day and night for oxidative stress, which is the most reliable method of measuring anti-aging and the tendency to suffer from degenerative illnesses.

For further information about these beds, contact : BioVital – 902 430 952 – 958 890 305 – 667 525 409 www.biovitalgroup.com


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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic